The Ministry of Culture will earmark 40,000 euros for the galleries to show the work of artists outside the Region


The Ministry will publish a new edition of 'Plan Galerías' for attending fairs and national and international exhibitions during 2016.

The Ministry of Culture and Spokesperson launched a new call for the 'Plan Galerías' for promoting artists from Murcia in fairs and national and international exhibitions.In total, € 40,000 will be earmarked to this project. The call was published a few days ago in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM).

Economic aids, awarded on a competitive basis, will be aimed at art galleries from the Region of Murcia. These aids are intended to help cover costs of attending fairs, exhibitions, alternative commercial spaces, as well as all kinds of initiatives, projects, events or acts that promote their industry and local artists, and will be held during 2016 outside the region, both nationally and internationally.

The Minister of Culture and government spokesperson, Noelia Arroyo, informed about this new call and recalled that "art galleries are an important piece in the sector of cultural industries, contributing decisively to promoting local artists". "Therefore, she added, the Ministry of Culture we would like to collaborate with those responsible and thus contribute to the consolidation of the cultural companies and organizations of the region."

The main requirement that galleries must fulfill in order to have access to aids from the 'Plan Galerías' is that at least 50 % of the artists programmed in the activity for which the aid was requested must be local or resident in the region on the date of notice publication.

The total amount earmarked by the Institute of Cultural Industries and the Arts (ICA) to 'Plan Galerías' is of € 40,000 and the maximum contribution for each project will be of € 5,000. A maximum of three projects will be accepted by art gallery and may be submitted, accompanied by the required documentation, until next June 22nd.

Arroyo recalled that the first call of the 'Plan Galerías', published last year, "allowed the work of Murcian creators to travel to important national fairs like Estampa and Summa. These works were also seen in exhibitions and fairs in cities such as Paris, Brussels, Lima, Turin and Kaunas, in Lithuania ".

National and international promotion

Additionally, the Ministry of Culture and Spokesperson is working on alternative ways to promote national and international dissemination of Murcian artists.Among these ways there is a collaboration with "Acción Cultural Española" (AC / E) for artists from the region to participate in cultural projects promoted by this public entity.

One of the projects that the Ministry of Culture will present to form part of the network of AC / E is the artistic residencies, which will take place at "La Conservera" of Ceutí and the "Centro Párraga". These initiatives will allow creators around the world carry out projects in this space, while providing an opportunity for local artists to work outside the region and Spain.