Visual Artists Archive of Murcia is intended as a tool to locate, analyse and promote the work of artists born after 1975 linked to the Region of Murcia.
One of the overarching goals is to systematically gather and display all crucial information about these artists, such as education, line of work, exhibitions, awards, etc. This platform is, thus, put forth as a space for research and reflection made available on line to different cultural agents and whoever interested both nationally and internationally.
On the other hand, it is also an instrument for promoting previous and future projects by artists, giving the opportunity to get first-hand knowledge about their proposals.
Visual Artists Archive of Murcia is a project developed by the curatorial group 1erEscalón (First Step), responsible for the selection and creation of the archive. All artists interested, provided they meet the requirements laid down below, can send their CV and relevant information to be included in the Archive.
- Individual or collective
-Born in 1975 or after
-Born in the Region of Murcia or resident in the Region of Murcia for at least one year
- Have produced some exhibition in an artistic context (exhibition halls, galleries, museums, art centres,…)
- Send in a full CV stating artistic interests and achievements
Participation in this project implies the acceptance of these terms and full compliance with its content, as well as the transfer of image rights for its use on the website of Visual Artists Archive.
Participating artists transfer their image rights to ICA and/or Asociación Primer Escalón for the sole purpose of the creation and dissemination of the aforementioned archive.
By virtue of the Organic Law 15/199 on Personal Data Protection, artists give their consent to the processing of the personal details provided for their participation. These shall be incorporated to a file/archive, entered in the General Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Their data may be used for the management, processing and dissemination of the archive.
These data are subject to the exercise of the rights to access, amendment, cancellation and refusal stipulated in the said Law by submitting a request to ICA.
To become part of Visual Artists Archive of Murcia please write us an e-mail requesting the Archive Form and send it to us completed and signed along with your CV and the images specified in the same file