Regional Ministry of Culture launches Visual Artists Archive of Murcia comprising over a hundred artists linked to the Region

The Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Universities has launched Visual Artists Archive of Murcia, a new tool to locate, analyse and promote the work of artists born after 1975 and linked to the Region of Murcia.

The profiles of over a hundred artists can already be accessed on the website of the Institute for Cultural Industries and the Arts,

This new initiative has been presented today by the director of the Institute for Cultural Industries and the Arts, Marta López-Briones, and the members of the curatorial group ‘1erEscalón’, who developed the project and selected and created the archive: Miguel Ángel Hernández Navarro, Ana García Alarcón and Isabel Durante.

Marta López-Briones stated that “Until now, there was no such a tool in the Region, which is undoubtedly necessary for professionals and researches as well as for visual artists themselves, since, besides compiling all the information about Murcian artists for its consultation and examination, this new archive will help them increase their visibility and promote their work, both within and outside the Region.”

The Archive of Visual Artists has been created with the overarching goal of gathering on the web all relevant information generated by these artists such as texts, images and videos about their lines of work, exhibitions, awards and so on.

“Thus, this platform is now put forth as a space for research and reflection open up to different cultural agents and whoever interested both regionally, nationally and internationally, said Marta López-Briones.

On the other hand, it is also an instrument for promoting previous and future projects by artists linked to the Region of Murcia, who will be able to disseminate their work and give Internet users the opportunity to get first-hand knowledge about their proposals and to even contact them directly through their personal websites or e-mails specified in their records.

Among the names included in the Archive, there are artists of any discipline within the visual arts born in the Region (some of them currently working abroad in places like Barcelona o Berlin) and artists who, despite being born elsewhere, develop here a substantial part of their work.

Furthermore, those who are not included but wish to become part of this data base can, as long as they meet the requirements laid down, send their CV and relevant information in order to have their names added. Those interested can request further information at

About fifty names will be added soon to the hundred already collected. The list will gradually increase and be updated also depending on the number of requests received from artists, since it is an open and continuously developing project.